Moto Eigakan / Tokyo
松山しげき 個展「ナルキッソスは水面を見続ける」
Shigeki Matsuyama Solo Show “Narcissus Stares into the Water”
私自身も特に用事も無くスマートフォンを手に取り、SNSなどを眺めて気付いたら随分と時間が経っていて…という無駄な時間を過ごしてしまう事がよくあります。スマートフォンを見ているからといってナルキッソスの様に命を落としてしまうわけではありませんが、長いこと水面から目を離せずに結局そのまま死んでしまったナルキッソスの物語も、現代人のスマートフォンの使用時間を考えるとあながち関係ない話でもないのかもしれません。だとすれば、いったいどうしたら水面に夢中になっているナルキッソスの顔を上げる事が出来るのでしょうか? 彼が水面を見続けるのは呪いの力なので、自らこれに抗うのは到底不可能な事ですし、他者が何をしようとも彼の目の前に水面がある限り結局ナルキッソスは水面を見続けるのかもしれません。
Narcissus is a Greek mythological figure who, unable to avert his gaze from his reflection in a spring, perishes.
Narcissus' reflection, whose beauty enthralls him, can only be seen but not felt - an image without reality. In the myth, Narcissus is cursed by the goddess Nemesis to stare into the pool of water, but in the present day, we are similarly enraptured by the neverending stream of content from our phones sometimes to the detriment of our wellbeing.
In the past few years, due to lockdowns and working from home, the usage of smartphone applications have vastly increased.
According to one survey, people in their thirties and younger in over 12 countries average 4-5 hours of smartphone usage daily. Despite the effects of the pandemic lessening, the usage of social media, such as Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook, are reportedly still increasing today.
I myself often absent mindedly reach for my phone and browse social media without realizing the amount of time that has passed. Unlike Narcissus, we cannot die by staring at a screen for too long, but perhaps our two situations are not so different. Would it have been possible for Narcissus to look away from his reflection?
As he was cursed, it was impossible for him to look away under his own volition, but even if there were others around him, it seems likely that he would have continued to stare into the spring as long as his reflection was in front of him.